Letter from the Editors

Things were a little different when I came to Gallatin as a freshman in 2020. For starters, my first year was entirely online. So was Embodied. Over the next three years, the magazine changed hands several times, but always with the same wish echoing around Zoom meetings and through the halls of 1 Washington Place. Regardless of where or when we were, we kept wishing for the same thing: 

“We need to do a print issue.”

Given the trajectory of the world at the moment, it’s a bit funny to turn to the physical. In the spirit of everything I had learned Embodied was, however, our publication just lends itself to print. I flipped through pre-pandemic issues of our magazine and was simply inspired. There’s just something special about a physical magazine, recognizing that the joy of holding something real in your hands represents months of hard work and dedication in order to get it just right. 

As the new staff pours in, ready to change and create the world they want to live in, they ask about the same thing. They’ve got the same wish:


To get there, however, we need to take a look at the history of the magazine. Before the world momentarily turned upside down, what did we do? What was Embodied?

Coming soon is a reflection on the first decade of Embodied, in the words of those who worked on and loved the magazine from its inception to its tenth birthday this past spring. Through a decade of different staff, different editors, and different times, one thing remains true: Embodied “is what is within reach, what is out of reach, what is just around the corner.” 

We are so excited to see what this year brings. We can’t wait for the next decade, for us to sustain the little place within NYU that Embodied has carved out for itself while continuing to go towards what is out of reach and around the corner. Our hope is that Embodied can continue to be a place for students to come and be creative, imaginative, forward thinking, and everything else we know we can be. Whether you’re interested in film, fashion, technology, or the environment— or, if we know Gallatin, all of the above and everything in between—, we hope that Embodied can be a place for you to innovate your mind and all that it can imagine.

So, a birthday toast to Embodied. To creating, imagining, writing, and shouting. To pushing the envelope. To taking the last ten and making it the next ten. To what came before us and what’s still to come, for it is all just around the corner.

Happy birthday, Embodied. It’s time to blow out the candles and make a wish.

- Lauren Nicole Balser editor in chief

- Jules Halser managing editor

- Ava Filan photography editor

- Aria Kothari social media and marketing manager